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Performance Opportunities

Time to Shine



New Generation Dance Studio is able to offer the opportunity to participate in examinations in ballet, tap and jazz. Though not compulsory, exams provide students with an important and achievable goal to work towards. By achieving these goals we often see a boost in self-confidence. Studying for a dance exam also promotes commitment and discipline. We have been very proud and excited about the results we receive.



Performance Teams

Performance Teams compete at Eisteddfods with dances from all genres. 
There is certain criteria to be eligible to become a member of the teams. Students must do the qualifying classes to be considered or invited to join the teams. More information can be acquired from the Principal.



At New Generation Dance Studio we have 2 concerts, a Mid Year and an End of Year. Concerts give all children the opportunity to gain performance experience without the pressure of Eisteddfods. It is a time for everyone to shine. 



We provide opportunities for children to have private lessons to learn solos, which can be performed at Eisteddfods. Our students gain many places and major awards. Solos enhance technique, performance quality, commitment and most importantly the love of dance.

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